Faculty of Medicine University of Miyazaki

Community Health Nursing

In our lab, we strive to cultivate human resources with abilities: to discover and solve diverse health issues in modern society and health issues of both individuals and groups, and to generate regional resources. We also conduct community health issue based social contribution activities and researches.

Research Projects

  1. Effects of comprehensive exercise programs in community-dwelling middle-age and older adults
  2. Excrement processing materials using shochu distillery residue
  3. Care for caregivers by using art programs
  4. Health strategy preventive of locomotive syndrome
  5. Fall prevention of people of the middle age
  6. Mental health of workers

Main Techniques and Knowledge

  1. Health education
  2. Community health check-ups and activities
  3. Methodology of community nursing (health examination, home visiting, health counseling and etc.)
  4. Epidemiology
  5. Health promotion and fitness