Faculty of Medicine University of Miyazaki

Adult Health and Gerontological Nursing

Shoko Oku, R.N., R.M.,Ph.D


Yumiko Takeyama, R.N., M.S.N


Toshihiko Yanagita, M.D.,Ph.D


Adult Health and Gerontological Recuperative Nursing

Our main study is theory on effect of illness and treatment on adult and elderly stage, and  nursing care   to  improve QOL (Quality of  Life for  individuals and  family). We also emphasize lectures  to  acquire the method of nursing care  to support self-care.

Certified Nursing Specialist (CNS) Qualification  -Cancer Nursing-

This department is focus on studying a special  knowledge of  cancer and  cancer nursing and acquire what is  needed for the role of  CNS, the roles of CNSs are excellent nursing practice, consultation with care providers including nurses, coordination among the concerned parties, ethical  coordination to protect the rights of individuals, organization., education of nursing personnel, and research activities at clinical settings.

Research project

Adult Health Nursing  and   Gerontological Nursing

  • Usefulness of M-Test for oxaliplatin−induced peripheral neuropathy
  • Development of a new prevention measure against  cervical cancer
  • The lived experiences of pancreatic cancer patients undergoing cancer peptide vaccine therapy
  • Application for the usage of TAE (Thinking At the Edge) in qualitative nursing research
  • Clinical instructors’ awareness about instruction at nursing practice
  • Utility of  the ‘Hold Band ’Used for  Cryotherapy  in  Post-shoulder  Arthroscopy
  • Effect of pain palliation by the soft tissue massage
  • A study of  nutritional assessment with elderly

Clinical pharmacology

  • Study on insulin signal receptor of the nerve system
  • Study of voltage-gated Na channel
  • Study on bioactive peptides
  • Medical communication with pharmacology Role Play
  • Research related to the Clinical trial

International collaborative research

Comparative Study between  Japanese  and  Thai (Research collaborators: Prince of Songkla University) “Comparison of illness perceptions between Japanese and Thai patients with coronary heart disease”


  • Miyazaki Association of Cancer Nursing
  • Cancer case study for nurses
  • Education and  training  of  BLS (Basic Life Support) for nurses and public
  • Center of Community (COC) Project : Prevention of  frail  elderly (Dietary life support)