宮崎大学医学部看護学科 生活・基盤看護科学講座 基礎看護学領域

Division of Home care nursing, Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, School of Nursing, Faculty of medicine, University of Miyazaki, Japan.
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領域紹介 (ABOUT US)

Core Lab Members

Our division teaches and conducts research into concepts and theoretical systems of nursing science, nursing skills, mechanisms of the human body, and educational methods and management in nursing practice


私たちは、エビデンスに基づく実践(Evidence-Based Practice: EBP)」を基盤としながら、以下のことを目指しています:
On the basis of “Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)“, we aim to:

  • 【学部教育】
    「全人的な対象理解」 「専門的な知識と技術」 「科学的なエビデンス」 を統合しながら、考えて行動し、より良いケアを追及できる看護専門職を育成する

    [Undergraduate Education] Train/produce nursing professionals who can think and then act, and have the attitude to pursue better nursing care, while integrating a holistic understanding of individuals, professional knowledge/skills, and scientific evidence;
  • 【大学院教育】

    [Graduate Education] Train/produce nursing practitioners, educators, and researchers who can create new “knowledge” of nursing science from a GLOCAL perspective, and organically connect practice and research;
  • 【研究】

    [Research] Conduct nursing research that contributes to innovations in nursing care from a GLOCAL perspective;
  • 【社会貢献】

    [Social Contribution] Contribute to the local community and wider society, with the above research and educational activities as two wheels
