Welcome to our homepage of Department of Anatomy, Histochemistry and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Miyazaki.
Briefly, we focused on morphological changes using histological methods. We are investigating the biological samples at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels to reveal “the Mysteries of Life” which originated from the single fertilized egg, the differentiation and proliferation or apoptosis to form various tissues and different organ systems. We are studying on the gene, transcription factor and protein expression dynamics using various molecular histochemical methods, such as immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and Southwestern histochemistry. For medical students, we are having lecture and seminar for embryology and histology.
In our department, teaching staff and graduated students are enrolled from not only Japan but also Mongolia, Myanmar, Thailand, Afghanistan Vietnam and Indonesian. While we gathered from different countries, we respect each other’s cultural background and diversity.
We are joined in Miyazaki to do scientific research and share our results and knowledge to the wouldwide.